Chuck Carroll

Bookmarking - Blogroll, Links, Articles

Published: 2023-01-31

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I finally got around to creating a blogroll, links page, and a shared articles page. Here's a breakdown as to the purpose of each.

The Blogroll is pretty straight forward. It's a list of personal blogs and websites that I've stumbled across while wandering the web and that I've enjoyed at least one thing they've shared. These sites range from small to large, and obscure to popular. The topics tend to focus on tech, design, lifestyle, sustainability, or digital minimalism, and they may or may not be currently active (but well worth a visit). I have no idea how I discovered most of the sites on this list, I simply bookmarked them at one point and forgot about them, and then came across them again when I go through my bookmarks. If you want to discover more blogs I recommend checking out,, and

The Links page are websites that are don't fall into the personal website category, otherwise they'd be listed on the blogroll page. The links I share here are tools or resources that that, again, I've stumbled across at some point and wound up bookmarking it. The links shared here are sites I've found useful, interesting, a great resource, or that I personally find awesome. Currently, they're not sorted into an particular order, but as the list grows I'm sure I'll start to categorize them.

Shared Articles is a list of recommended articles that I've read through and that I found valuable and insightful. Rather than categorizing them by topic, I've opted to simply create a list and add new ones to the top. The first 10 are sorted by publication date, but moving forward the date will indicate when they've been added to the list. I even created an RSS feed specifically for this list which you can follow here.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to send comments, questions, or recommendations to