Chuck Carroll

Vietnam - 2019

Published: 2019-10-31

After Singapore, we visited Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Hanoi, Dong Hoi, and Buon Ma Thuot. When I first arrived, the culture shock was real (although it could have also been the fact I was very much disoriented from the sleep deprivation, not having any idea what time it was, not knowing where I was, and not being able to understand anyone or having them understand me).

The first thing I noticed was just how different traffic is in Vietnam. Technically there are traffic laws, but more like traffic suggestions and horns/blinkers are used for different purposes. The major cities Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi and very busy cities an chaotic.

We visited the Phong Nha-Ke Bang Cave in Quang Binh Province. I've been in a few caves in my time, but this was certainly the largest and most amazing.

Visiting smaller cities was certainly more calm though being a giant 6' 4" tall albino did get me a ton of curious looks from the natives. At one point I had a group of older Vietnamese women surround me and begin taking selfies with me... That aside, Vietnam's countryside is absolutely one of the most beautiful places I've visited.

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